Linguistic and cultural exchanges with schools from other countries, participation in Erasmus projects and international contests, include a period of stay abroad at a partner school and a period of hospitality at our school.


Abroad, students attend classes at the partner school, participate in activities with foreign students and are hosted by a family, thus experiencing the life of a student from the host country both at school and at home.


Organized directly by our school, they allow students to live a unique experience, for very low participation fees.


IESS is networked with schools in 10 countries: England, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Finland, United States, Portugal, Spain, Romania.

Il futuro è adesso!
by Liceo IESS 14 November 2024
Il futuro è adesso!
Una settimana da studenti Inglesi
by Liceo IESS 9 October 2024
Una settimana da studenti Inglesi
I nostri studenti ospiti di un Liceo di Limoges
by Liceo IESS 14 June 2024
I nostri studenti ospiti di un Liceo di Limoges
Studenti del New Jersey ospiti delle nostre famiglie
14 March 2024
Studenti del New Jersey ospiti delle nostre famiglie
Gli studenti di un Liceo di Limoges, ospiti degli studenti IESS
by Liceo IESS 16 February 2024
Gli studenti di un Liceo di Limoges, ospiti degli studenti IESS
I nostri studenti a Bruxelles al Parlamento Europeo
by Liceo IESS 10 May 2023
I nostri studenti a Bruxelles al Parlamento Europeo
A Common European Framework of Reference for Health and Sustainability.
by Liceo IESS 9 March 2023
A Common European Framework of Reference for Health and Sustainability.
12 May 2022
IESS è capofila di un progetto sull’educazione ambientale, a cui partecipano 4 scuole europee.
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