Prampolini Square, 2/A42121 Reggio Emilia
segreteria@iess.itTel. 0522 423155
Office opening hours: 08:05 - 16:00 (Mon-Fri)
I imagine school as an extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live an exciting experience of true growth, which helps young people to become aware of their talents, to consolidate their strengths and to overcome their weaknesses.
A rich experience that requires commitment but is also stimulating and rewarding.
This idea of school has taken shape in recent years, but it comes from afar.
I often think back to my school years, always with the regret of having missed an opportunity. At school, unfortunately, the protagonists were not us, but always only the programs and the grades.
At first I thought that there were no alternatives to a school so far away and that boredom, and often anxiety, were somehow the price to pay for growing up. Then I was lucky enough to travel, I saw that schools are not all like that and I began to dream of a different school, that put the students at the center, not the programs or grades.
A dream that, like others, ended up in the drawer. Until a few years ago when, many years after me, my daughters also found the same way of doing school, which has not been renewed and is increasingly distant from the students. In the meantime, the world has changed and we are facing an increasingly uncertain future. We need another way of doing school, if we want our young people to prepare effectively for the challenges that await them.
After so many failed reforms, as the years go by and our children fall further and further behind their peers in other countries, we could no longer wait. We had to do something concrete to change.
This is our challenge, which we have taken up in the only way we know how: by developing a project and implementing it with tenacity and passion. A project that was born from the dream of creating a school projected into the future, not into the past, that develops a rich and stimulating program, in an environment favorable to learning, that puts teachers in the best conditions to teach and students in the best conditions to learn.
We have profoundly innovated the programs, the teaching method and the evaluation system. We have invested in new technologies, research and teacher training. We have selected motivated teachers, who work in teams with a common goal and rediscover the passion for teaching in an environment that recognizes commitment and rewards merit. We have rethought the school experience of students, who are at the center of the educational project and are its true protagonists.
It has been a long journey, which required hard work. But there is still much to do. For this, we need the trust of families who believe like us in a modern school and who share with us a fundamental commitment, that of working together with enthusiasm and passion on a project that ensures the children the best opportunities and leaves a lasting mark on their lives.
A project that certainly left its mark on me.
Ugo Barilli
Discover the school up close
+39 0522 423155
Office hours:
Mon - Fri 8:05 - 16:00
Istituto Europeo di Studi Superiori Scs
Piazza Prampolini, 2/A
42121 Reggio Emilia
VAT N. IT02501580357
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