Prampolini Square, 2/A42121 Reggio Emilia
segreteria@iess.itTel. 0522 423155
Office opening hours: 08:05 - 16:00 (Mon-Fri)
The annual tuition fees, differentiated based on net family income, are indicated below. The fees are paid in installments.
For all income brackets, the fees include:
The tuition fee, deductible from income taxes, includes:
Each student has a personal iPad with the best apps for teaching, which can be used both in class and at home.
The texts are provided directly by the school, also in digital format.
Through the iPad, the student accesses the school's online courses, where the handouts and teaching materials used by the teachers are available.
The homework schedule is also available on the online courses, provided by the teachers on the same day of the lesson.
IESS students continue at home the work they started in class, with the assistance of teachers, who follow them, via iPad, even from home.
Each student is closely followed, in his personal and scholastic path, by a tutor, who helps him to overcome any failures, to improve his relationship with classmates and teachers, to resolve any family and personal problems.
Each period, the student has specific results to achieve, which allow him to effectively continue his scholastic path, without previous gaps.
The school organizes trips and stays abroad every year, in which the student can participate at favorable economic conditions.
The donation, deductible from income, allows you to invest in the growth of the school and includes:
The lessons are interactive, to stimulate interest and participation. Students learn not only by listening to the teacher, but also by actively participating in the lesson, laboratories and group work.
The growth of the school is also linked to the growth of teachers. The school invests every year in their training and professional updating in terms of teaching methods and tools, new technologies, transversal skills, study methods and personalized teaching.
Technology is at the service of learning. All classrooms are digital and equipped with LIM and latest-generation information technology. There is WIFI in the classroom and the most up-to-date internet and software are used.
Interdisciplinary projects stimulate connections between subjects and allow for a deeper understanding of the topics covered.
The school organizes and participates every year in numerous international projects, which offer students unique opportunities for personal, cultural and linguistic growth.
IESS provides students with a specific study method, so that they learn to independently organize their afternoon work and study effectively.
At school outside of school. It is not just a slogan, but the reality of every day. During the year, students have the opportunity to live stimulating experiences, thanks to the network of collaborations and agreements created by the school in the territory, which must be cultivated continuously.
At the end of the five years, IESS students acquire not only vertical skills by subject, but also transversal skills, common to several subjects, such as communication, teamwork, problem solving and relationships with classmates and teachers.
Discover the school up close
+39 0522 423155
Office hours:
Mon - Fri 8:05 - 16:00
Istituto Europeo di Studi Superiori Scs
Piazza Prampolini, 2/A
42121 Reggio Emilia
VAT N. IT02501580357
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